Question about the board in general - The Young and the Restless

Why are there so many posts about the same subject(s)?

I understand when the topic or subject is different but still about the same character but currently there are multiple threads about the same character and subject and it makes it difficult to have a fluid discussion about any of it.

So just curious if this is normal for this board or just something happening currently?


It’s always been that way on this board. I’m not sure about others, but I believe there is one board that combines like threads.

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Yes, I’ve seen threads combined but don’t know where. I wish they would do it here, it’s annoying to see 2 or more threads about the same thing.


It has been going on for awhile and it is super annoying IMO. You are supposed to check the board before starting a new topic to avoid this, but that hasn’t been happening.


I want to say thank you thank you thank you I have stated this so many times in fact this is the topic of my email to ADMIN dated August 29th I know they are busy but I have not received a reply from them
I did search of old threads this is from Chrissi/leader dated July 2007
We have to remember that some people are new as of today and they don’t see the threads. It’s a shame we don’t have a ‘merge’ button. Note to self to have one added at some point!!

I understand a poster has a thought of a topic comes to the boards and starts one It use to be that I would reply to one of the threads maybe a day or two later/seeing the same topic forgetting who started it reply to another thread I have tried to stop that if for example there is a thread…Victor dead or not and I add remark I will now check when I see another similar thread which one I replied to and I have ignored the others

I believe it was on the Days of Our Lives board I saw where a leader or whoever/closed a topic and added …this has been merged with XXXXXX

that would be great if it could happen here i agree I don’t need to see 6 on topic of Adam or on topic of victor etc…
thanks again 1NightOwl2


I normally don’t start threads and today didn’t see a thread about the actress that plays Lily until I had already started one. I know you aren’t referring to just that in general considering there are probably 4 or 5 threads pertaining to Victors death or Adam but I know from my view I just didn’t realize there was another thread.


Jess. It happens. Sometimes you don’t see the thread. Or sometimes two people are basically typing their threads at the same time.


You are so right and there are so many of the SAME threads such as the Bad Lola threads it’s silly! I wish that Chrissie could have found that MERGE button!!


I also have written in general and to the admins about this. Posters should check, at least the first 10 threads, to see if there is already a thread on their topic, before just creating whatever thread they feel like. There were so many threads on Zoe last week, etcm. Some of them only had two posts under it.

I guess theres no way to change posters behavior. I always check before posting. And admins don’t want to seem to merge?


I emailed admin awhile back to see if they could start a spoiler thread that all spoilers could be put in and discussed but never heard anything back. The idea for that thread was for the BB board because I know there were a few posters there that don’t like spoilers. Another poster mentioned it and so I tried but nothing ever came of it. I think according to the day and what happens on the show it depends on how many new threads get started, so they tend to get lost along the way.


Yah it comes down to how each person posts and their habits I suppose. Which everyone is unique and has their own way of doing things. Mad respect. :fist_left:t3: fist bump

I feel like there are a few posters that create threads while they’re watching the show. It’s usually multiple threads at a time but then never come back to discuss? Like it’s how they just make comments in general. The context of the OP is usually only one sentence and usually there are already threads about the same topic.

I get confused and its frustrating when you are on your phone so the ability to merge threads would be effing fantastic.

I also PMed the admins not long ago with another question and never got a response. sigh. No love for Goldy. :crazy_face:


I find it annoying also. I usually read only for about a hour each night, but I find myself having to pick and choose which thread to comment on. It gets annoying when one spends more time reading and so little time commenting.

On the other hand, the merged threads can also be a pain. I think soapcentral is the site that does that. One reason I don’t spend time there. The merged threads get confusing even though it is one topic, sorta, it sometimes is hard to follow the conversation because there are soooo many comments.


My opinion is …I can see a thread Billy/Victoria then all about his double personalities how Billy and Victoria are together how Billy is with Victor etc…

and if I click on a thread I usually get into the last few posts so I wouldn’t be reading 50 or more older ones

I do get…everyone has their opinions that’s what is so great here but I don’t get the purpose of constantly just started new threads about same topics


I think that rather than merging, they should just close the duplicate threads. I remember at one point there was at least 15 about Summer on the board and that is what they did.

I really wish people would take the 2 minutes to check. I know that mistakes happen and that is totally fine, but I think there are a lot of people who don’t bother.


It really doesn’t bother me…each thread has it’s own spin on things and I actually find one huge topic of merged threads cumbersome to sift through. :sunglasses:


Thinking about it…your idea is perfect. Admin just closing duplication of threads is best way to let posters know…look through list of threads first



It’s always been like this since I started posting years ago. I think DR gets it right, one thread daily about the day’s episode and it takes off from there. No need for so many threads when one would do it.


I hate DR for that very reason. Can’t stand that board.
Different strokes. :rofl:

